Let us simplify and organize your prescription refills

Medi-Sync is an innovative medication management program designed to simplify your prescriptions. The foundation for our Medi-Sync program is the work our pharmacist does with your insurance to synchronize the refill timing of your routine medications. With this organization in place, you will enjoy the convenience of having all your maintenance medications filled during a single monthly trip to the pharmacy or a single monthly delivery to your home. Medi-Sync also means no more having to call the pharmacy for refills or worrying about running out of important medications. You will receive a monthly phone call from our pharmacy to review your list of Medi-Sync medications and any recent changes that may have occurred. We will proactively monitor your remaining refills and notify your doctor when additional refills are required. As an added benefit, each month you will receive a printed list of your current medications for easy reference during doctor visits. Ask us today about how our Medi-Sync program can help you to be more organized, more informed, and more in control of managing your health.
How much does Medi-Sync cost?
Nothing! There is no extra charge to participate in Medi-Sync. You pay only the prescription copays you would be responsible for regardless of your participation in the program.
How often will my prescriptions be filled?
After the initial syncronization period, all of your routine medications are filled for a 30 day supply, every 30 days.
How are my prescriptions packaged?
There is no special packaging involved in the Medi-Sync program. Your prescriptions are packaged exactly as they would be regardless of your participation in the program.
What about medications that I take only as needed?
As needed medications are not automatically filled with your Medi-Sync meds. You can fill them when you need them without worrying about becoming overstocked.
How can I find out more about Medi-Sync?
If you are interested in enrolling in the Medi-Sync program, or you just want some more information, please feel free to call us at 717-355-9300, or email